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How to identify rat infestation

Signs of rat infestation

Rats, one of the most notorious pests known to cause destruction to mankind, and flora. These little creatures are known for spreading various diseases and cause property damage. They also contaminate the animal feed and food. It is enough if one gets in. Slowly the whole bunch will find their way in. quickly they can introduce parasites such as lice, ticks, and fleas. These creatures are very much responsible for the transmission of various diseases. Not to forget the damage they can cause to your furniture and things on short notice.

Another thing to remember about these pests is that they breed and multiply faster, which should be controlled in time or else it can become a big problem. As their feeding habits, nests, and are parasite carriers it is important to manage them in the very beginning. The secretive nature of the rats is the main reason why they are so dangerous. Slowly they will get inside the house and wreak havoc and you won’t know anything about it until it’s too late. So, it becomes crucial to confirm the rat infestation at the starting stage.

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To identify the rat infestation, the obvious sign is that of having lived or dead rats at home. if you have had even a glimpse of a rat scurrying around the place, be sure there is a rat infestation brewing around the corner. The food and the limited space force them to come out in the open. And when they start coming in plain sight, it is time to take them out.

Another sign pointing towards rat infestation is the presence of droppings all over the place. If you see rat droppings, it means healthy and feeding rats in and around the area. Those who have had rat infestation have related some of the worst-case scenarios and horrible instances that will make you avoid any encounters with these pests. From leaving dirt marks on the way to bringing parasites home, they are quite dangerous. Many families have reported their kids getting bitten by some of the rats. All this can fill your heart with horror towards these pests. So, what are the basic signs of rat infestation at home?

Rat nests

Rats are shy creatures and like to stay away from human sight. So, they tend to make their nests someplace hidden, warm, dark, nicely covered with shredded materials. Most importantly, it will be close to the food source. One can expect them to find their nest in the kitchen or wardrobe. The nest is made when the mother is ready to produce babies so, one can find young rats in them. If you have books bitten, clothes shredded then you better start looking for them in the crevices, unused places, etc. Check in the kitchen area, in the attic, or in bookshelves.


If you have rats at home, there is no way you won’t find damaged goods at home. this is a clear sign of rat infestation. Before you start thinking about how to treat rat infestation, you must find what is damaged. For rats, hard materials are sort of teether. The teeth of the rat are continuously on a growth spurt. So, they gnaw on the plastic, wood, or any hard substances. If they chew on the electric cable, they can cause fire as well. ripped food packaging, torn packets, and wood shelves with teeth marks, then it is a clear sign. You must start searching.

Scratching sounds

There is no specific time when they can be heard scratching. When human activities lower, the rats come out in search of food. It is then that one can hear the scratching sound made by these little creatures. Mostly, it is at night that people get annoyed by the sound and wake up to rat infestation. This is just the beginning. If you don’t treat them on time, this problem can grow and wipe your night's sleep completely.

It can come from the attic or the roof. The direction of the scratching sound will help you to pinpoint the area as to where they are hiding. So, next time when you hear them scratching or bruxing, make a point to check the area in the morning. It will be easier to find these little pests’ hideouts easily.

Burrows and holes

Most of the rats like to hide in burrows and holes. If there is a mouse or rat in your garden, you will find several burrows in the edges. You can also check for holes in the garage, garden sheds, compost pits, etc. These are close to the food source; hence they can be found in these places easily. If you want to look for them, then start here.

If you have spotted rats at home, then you should take the following measures to show them the way out. Here are a few tips to make it easier for you to get rid of rat infestation.

  • Use traps to catch the rats that are loitering around in your house.

  • Put mesh or nets to cover the drain which will stop the rats from coming in through this way.

  • Use rat killers to get rid of rats effectively.

  • Hire the best pest exterminators to deal with the rats in your house.

  • Fill the holes in the garden so that rats can’t stay here.

For any doubts and concerns, you can talk directly to the pest management team in your area. According to the best pest control services in Gurgaon, one must hire a good pest control team regularly to treat the place with pesticides occasionally. You may use traps, pesticides, organic methods to deal with the rats in your house. Experts know better ways to deal with the situation that will help you get rid of pests and rats easily. Once the pests come in it opens doors for rats as well. So, be alert and stay safe.

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